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my dream is to

94 Dreamy Answers “My Dream is to…” Bumble Prompt 

We all have dreams we’d love to see come true. Some are realistic, some are funny, and others? Totally absurd—like visiting Mars, owning a pony, or buying a house in Hawaii. 

Everyone’s dreams are different, and depending on those differences, the “My dream is to” Bumble prompt may help matches assess how good a fit you are for them.

Join me as I show you how…

Absurdly sarcastic answers for “My dream is to…”


This prompt may sound serious at first, but that doesn’t mean your answer should be too!

An absurd, sarcastic answer may do you a favor if you’re on Bumble for a casual time OR if you like going with the flow.

Just one rule: let your imagination run wild—go with something so eccentric and unique that your matches won’t help but feel intrigued.


1. Become the first person to own a pet dinosaur. Science is taking its sweet time, though. 

2. Live in a perfect rom-com, minus the running-in-heels part.

3. Steal from the riches, burn all the money to the ground, and watch them cry. Is it too sadistic?

4. Make a horror movie about my emails labeled “urgent”. 

5. Create a holiday called “Stay in Pajamas Day”.

6. Become fluent in every language…just so that I can gossip globally.

7. Swim in a pool of melted cheese without feeling regret.

8. To build a robot to do my laundry because I’m already done with that $hit. 

9. Host a cooking show where I exclusively microwave leftovers in a fancy way. 

10. Become a billionaire. I low-key think they’re heartless.

11. Make Mondays illegal and destroy capitalism.

12. Develop a universal remote for life’s awkward situations.

13. To convince mosquitoes I don’t taste good.

14. Participate in a reality show about procrastinators who never finish the season.

15. Own a magic wand so it can finish my uni work.

16. Open a coffee shop on the moon, but NASA has been delaying my request.

Open a coffee shop on the moon, but NASA has been delaying my request.

17. Abolish the Yankee supremacy and I’m hoping that’s yours too!

18. Wake up early, just once, and not feel like my organs are ready to shut down. 

19. Get my inbox to zero without giving up halfway.

20. Write a cookbook with recipes for people who just order takeout so they can save money. 

21. Move to Mars and start building tall buildings and selling them to the oligarchs. 

22. Reinvent dates because there must be something better to do than grab drinks.

23. Say “let them eat cake” without any precautions. 

24. Create a lame show about nothing but still get 5 seasons.

25. See all the superstitions take events in my life, so I can finally convince myself that I’m unlucky.

26. Recreate a live show with Jeff Buckley. I wish I could bring him aliveeee. 😢

27. Adopt a penguin colony and teach them synchronized swimming.

28. To finally understand Taurus and Scorpio men. 

29. Banish bad hair days to another dimension.

30. Teach my parrot how to scroll through TikTok for me after work.

31. Communicate with trees and learn their ancient gossip.

32. Invent a mute button for annoying people.

33. Gift-wrap my awkwardness and call it “quirkiness”—you know, something more stylish!

Funny answers with a controversial twist for “My dream is to…”

Similarly to the previous approach, these answers are humor-based, relying on the shock factor, but with a funny twist.

For instance, if your dream is to run a company, you can answer with something like: “Become a CEO people don’t wake up one day wanting to assassinate.” 

If you want to remain somehow truthful, do this—if you’re all about fun, go haywire!


1. Have real-life Quicksaves/Quickloads, access to save files after my death, and save for later. 

2. Have a genie and ask them for unlimited wishes, mostly involving money. 🤑

3. Have three superpowers: invincibility, omnipotence, and omniscience.

4. See The Transporter go back in time and keep the original characters from season 1 because all the others literally suck. 

5. Create a mind-reading device that only works on my future wife so I never have to sleep on the couch again. 👀

6. Have the ability to find exactly what I’m thinking about.

7. Be faster and smarter than anyone who challenges me, otherwise I would get very nervous. 

8. Gain my rank as ruler of the world by pranking my way to the top. It’s just a dream, nothing serious! 😈

9. Go back in time as an Egyptian prince and become best friends with Moses while we drink some nice, crafty ancient beer. 

10. Possess the ability to see into the future and the consequences of my actions. Being an obviously clumsy prick would save me so much time. 

11. Be able to clone myself (kinda like Naruto Shadow-Style cloning). 

12. Have Superman’s superpowers without the kryptonite.

13. Have physical beauty and a sense of fashion. I think I might need one or the other. (crying loudly) 

14. Always have the perfect couples Halloween outfit ideas.

15. Replace the national anthem with something by One Direction.

Replace the national anthem with something by One Direction.

16. Be agelessly immortal for as long as I choose. I guess I just love this world so much, especially when it’s on fire. 

17. End capitalism and any private property economy, and therefore end poverty and suffering from material wants.

18. Have a dragon be my therapist. I wonder what they’d say

19. Travel to other realms, and if I ever do, there will be signs. 

20. To create extraterrestrial colonies and rule all the planets. 

21. Have endless mac and cheese and a great body despite only eating mac and cheese. 

22. Use the Ouija board on some people I don’t really like. 😁

23. Be anything, do anything, and have anything.

24. Remove “Reply All” emails forever. Yes, even yours.

25. Ban iced coffee unless it’s below 10°C. Do you want caffeine or a milkshake?

26. Be genetically perfect in every way (health, fitness, appearance, intelligence, etc.).

27. Make tipping optional. Servers should be paid fair wages, not guilt bonuses.

28. Create an award show for the worst selfies of the year. I’d win the Lifetime Achievement Award.

29. Replace calorie counts on menus with “how many minutes on a treadmill this costs”.

30. Bring back gladiator fights but make them a TikTok challenge.

Real, but not that boring answers for “My dream is to…”

Don’t worry, sincere people…I haven’t forgotten about you!

If honesty is non-negotiable in your Bumble profile, answer with something sincere, but NOT boring.

Be cute, witty, or give a cool motive or reasoning for your dream because it will add depth to your answer and make it more swipe-worthy!


1. Open a bakery where every loaf of bread has a secret message inside.

2. Start a podcast and talk about fashion icons whose outfits always look like trash.

3. Own a dog rescue but keep adopting all the dogs myself.

4. Own a mansion with a giant pool that looks like an artificial lake and every day feels like a perfect Sunday. 

5. Finally make it through a TV show without falling asleep by episode two. 

6. Be financially stable enough to never have to check my bank account. 

7. Live quietly in my van, splitting time between surfing and snowboarding.

8. Create an AI that responds to texts so I don’t feel bad about forgetting.

9. Get through this semester of engineering without dropping out or causing an apocalypse.

10. Be a part of the space program. Very sexy dream. 

11. Own a $hitload of land to have fun on. Some ducks would also be a good idea. 

12. Make lovey-dovey moments in a private jet. 🙃 

13. Steal the Declaration of Independence. 

14. Float throughout the universe at the speed of light without shrinking like raw spaghetti.

Float throughout the universe at the speed of light without shrinking like raw spaghetti.

15. Live in a treehouse mansion with a zipline commute to work.

16. Open a clinic that combines modern medicine with ancient healing practices.

17. Be in a mutually requited love and live in a fairy wonderland. 

18. Be the reason someone eats more sweets than usual. Call me Mr. Sweet-Wide. 

19. Get a degree in marine biology and study coral reefs in person. Just imagining it cures my bad mood. 

20. Write a book that gets made into a movie, but the book is still better.

21. Make a living as an artist. Now imagineeee!! (mind-blowing 🤯) 

22. Earn a doctorate in nutrition and help people trade junk food for a longer life.

23. Become the president of Madagascar (the animal kingdom, duh). I need to change my country. 

24. Get a Nobel Prize…or something else shiny.

25. Start a zero-waste grocery store that sells mangoes at very low prices.

26. Start a program that gives homeless pets to lonely seniors for companionship.

27. Go to Iran and buy those colorful stained-glass houses. 

28. Know every recipe in the world then give you the best cooking recommendations. 

29. Design public spaces that bring back the art of casual human connection.

30. Find Solomon’s second amulet hidden somewhere in the desert regions. 

31. Create a family of 10 and give them German-inspired names. 

What does this prompt mean for serious daters?


Depending on how serious you are about all this, there are categories. Yep, we’re gonna put each and every one of you in boxes based on your dreams. Fun, right? 

To make it easier for your matches to find which box they fit in and win you over, the answers will be tailored for further examination. 🔍✨

Box 1: Romantics

In Box 1 we have the flirts: relationship-oriented people whose life goal is to find “the one” and hopefully settle down.

  • “Create a family of 10 and give them German-inspired names.”  

Traits: Family person, super traditional values, a little bit kinky, but…nothing too wild. 

Box 2: Explorers

Next, we have the adventurous people whose no. 1 dream in life is to explore the world and its mysteries. They’re all about fun!

  •  “Create extraterrestrial colonies and rule all the planets.”

Traits: Outgoing, unstoppable, adventurous, very friendly…maybe a little too much.

Box 3: Reality seekers

Last, but certainly not least, box 3 contains the idealists—people whose goals are grounded and have the world’s best interest in mind.

  • “Start a program that gives homeless pets to lonely seniors for companionship.”

Traits: Looking to make the world a better place with their dreams and visions—perfect if you’re an altruist!


Daters, this prompt is a great opportunity to embark on a dream quest with someone who might share the same dreams as you—traveling, owning a house, having lots of pets, etc.—all while achieving status within the Bumble app.

For having the best profile and one-of-a-kind answers, RizzBio offers the best articles on the website, covering all the tips and tricks for any prompt you need. Plus, we run an app for fast, delicious answers on the go.

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