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96 eye-opening “My morning routine looks like…” Bumble prompt answers

Mornings are one of the best (or worst) ways to show who you really are, and the “My morning routine looks like…” prompt is the perfect place to spill the tea. 

From conquering your to-do list before the sun’s even up to hitting snooze five times, this is where you can get real about how your day starts.

Here’s how you can let your potential match know if you’re a go-getter or just trying to make it through the AMs!

How do you show you actually have your life together? Adulting 101!


Adulting is basically a never-ending series of decisions, and mornings are where it all starts. And who doesn’t agree that mornings can be tough? 

You wake up, and suddenly you’re hit with a million tiny choices: Should you get up and be productive, or do you hit the snooze button?

But, what you probably haven’t considered yet is one specific question. Does any of this actually make you a better adult, or are we all just winging it and hoping for the best? Spoiler alert: it’s definitely the second one.

Answers for the early birds who catch the worm:

My morning routine looks like…

1. Up before the sun, sipping coffee like a responsible adult.


2. Gym, shower, smoothie. My physique is definitely my humble brag.

3. Walks with a podcast, pretending I have my life together.

4. Waking up early just to scroll for an hour before actually getting out of bed.

5. Coffee first, responsibilities later.

6. 6 AM club…not by choice, just cursed with an internal alarm.

7. Reading a self-help book and convincing myself I’ll actually apply it.

8. Journaling my dreams like they mean something. I’m really proud of my collection so far.

9. Meditating for five minutes before remembering I have a life to get to.

10. Making a to-do list I know I won’t finish.

11. Romanticizing my oatmeal as if it’s a Michelin-star meal.

12. Hydrating like my life depends on it (because it does).

13. Actually making breakfast instead of just surviving on caffeine.

14. Watching the sunrise like I’m the main character.

15. Drinking lemon water because the internet told me to.

16. Pretending I have my life together just because I woke up early.

17. Staying in my robe for way too long before actually getting dressed.

18. Stretching in ways that make me question my flexibility.

19. Getting up early just to sit in silence for an hour.

20. Taking a cold shower because I heard it builds character. I’ve been challenging myself to take my health more seriously.

21. Meal prepping for the day like I’m a responsible adult.

22. Actually responding to texts from last night like a functional human.

23. Checking my email and immediately wishing I hadn’t.

24. Trying to be productive before my brain is fully online.

25. Feeling superior because I’m awake before everyone else.

26. Putting on workout clothes just to feel like I did something.

27. Reading affirmations and hoping they work.

28. Feeling like a god-tier human for waking up before 7 AM.

29. Sun salutations, except I’m just saluting my coffee cup.

30. Making a full breakfast and eating it in two minutes. It’s called balance.

31. Drinking tea and pretending I enjoy it more than coffee. I don’t. Seriously, how do people function without coffee?

32. Being the only one awake and loving the peace.

33. Watering my plants and feeling like a responsible adult.

34. Actually cooking instead of DoorDashing my breakfast. Burnt pancakes are way better for you, right?

35. Doing Duolingo to impress my non-existent future foreign lover. Could that be you?

36. Making my bed immediately so I don’t crawl back in.

37. Scrolling through my phone but calling it “gentle waking”. It’s my healthy obsession, I swear!

38. Feeling morally superior because I don’t snooze my alarm.

39. Checking my horoscope before making any life decisions.

40. Feeling like a superhero because I woke up on time for once. Who wouldn’t consider this a superpower?

41. Getting up early, but not functioning until noon.

42. Walking around my house like a Sims character until my brain loads.

43. Realizing I’m becoming that person who loves morning walks.

44. Texting people “good morning” just to flex that I’m awake first.

45. Convincing myself I’m naturally an early bird (after forcing myself awake).

46. Waking up, checking if Mercury is in retrograde, then proceeding. I’m known for my obsession with Astrology.

47. Thinking I’ll read but ending up on TikTok.

48. Telling myself I’m better than night owls just because I woke up early.

Answers for night owls who thrive off of regrets:

My morning routine looks like…

1. Hitting snooze like it’s my full-time job.


2. Waking up in a panic because I stayed up way too late (again).

3. Coffee first, questions later. I low-key think I’m made out of 85% coffee.

4. Trying to remember what I was thinking about at 3 AM that felt so important that I wouldn’t go to sleep.

5. Functioning on three hours of sleep and sheer willpower.

6. Regretting every life decision that led me to this sleep schedule.

7. Still wearing last night’s outfit because I never officially went to bed. It’s definitely when I feel I look the hottest.

8. Waking up at noon and calling it self-care.

9. Checking my phone to see what chaos I missed overnight.

10. Rolling out of bed like I just survived a war.

11. Waking up confused about what day it is.

12. Staring at my ceiling for an hour before actually getting up.

13. Realizing I should’ve gone to bed way earlier. My therapist would be so proud of me for admitting this.

14. Mornings? I don’t know her.

15. Breakfast at 2 PM because time is fake.

16. Debating whether to start my day or just accept defeat.

17. Sleeping through my first alarm, my backup alarm, and my emergency alarm.

18. Waking up and immediately thinking, “Well, today’s a write-off”.

19. Trying to piece together what I dreamt vs. what is actually happening.

20. Checking my texts and realizing I responded in my sleep.

21. Watching the same show I fell asleep to last night.

22. Realizing I forgot to charge my phone again. I can’t function when my phone dies.

23. Morning routine? More like an afternoon survival guide.

24. Feeling personally attacked by the sun through my blinds.

25. My first words of the day are usually “What time is it?”

26. Waiting for the universe to drop a pause button on my day.

27. Trying to remember if I actually fell asleep or just blinked really long.

28. Googling “how to fix sleep schedule” while running on 4 hours of sleep.

29. Fighting the urge to text “I’m awake” instead of actually getting up.

30. Taking forever to fully wake up. I’m hoping you’re the same.

31. Waking up and immediately needing 10-12 business hours to recover.

32. Making eye contact with my to-do list and immediately looking away.

33. A chaotic mix of regret, recovery, and procrastination.

34. Functioning at 30% capacity until at least 4 PM.

35. Forgetting to eat breakfast and then wondering why I feel like a ghost.

36. Throwing on the same hoodie I wore yesterday because, let’s be honest, no one noticed.

37. I wake up and think: “This has to be a prank”.

38. A battle between my responsibilities and my desire to stay in bed forever.

39. Convincing myself I’ll sleep early tonight, knowing full well I won’t.

40. Staring at my alarm clock like it personally betrayed me.

41. Opening my laptop, pretending to work, but actually just trying to wake up.

42. Dragging myself to the shower, hoping hot water will fix my entire life.

43. Telling myself I’ll be productive in 10 minutes…then 10 more.

44. Staring at my closet like it’ll magically hand me an outfit.

45. Watching the sunrise not because I woke up early, but because I never went to bed.

46. Convincing myself I have plenty of time, only to realize I’m already late.

47. Wondering if I can still count this as “morning”.

48. My bed: 1, Me: 0.

You snooze, you lose!


Mornings are chaotic, and whether you’re crushing it as an early-bird or embracing the night-owl life, we’ve all got our way of getting through the first few hours. 

Do you want to express your superb morning routine the right way? RizzBio is here to take the weight off your shoulders!

With custom bios and prompt answers, RizzBio helps you look polished and authentic, no matter when you wake up!


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