Are you having an existential crisis while answering “I’ve been challenging myself to…” Bumble prompt? I feel you! But, you seriously don’t have to.
You’re probably wondering if you should drop some deep, soul-searching goal, or if you should just throw in something like “drinking more water” to keep it light.
You want to share the real you, but in a way that doesn’t sound like a motivational speech. So, what should you put down?
How “insecure” are your insecurities?

Answering “I’ve been challenging myself to…” can feel like exposing your flaws, which is tough in a dating app world where everyone’s trying to seem perfect.
Sharing something vulnerable, like “learning to manage my anxiety” or “being less self-critical”, can feel risky, like it might scare people off or make you seem too intense.
But, vulnerability can actually build a connection. Saying “I’m challenging myself to love my body more” or “speak up in group settings” makes you real, and relatable, and even shows growth.
It’s a tricky prompt, I know, which is why RizzBio was made! RizzBio takes the stress out of trying to sound clever, charming, or original by creating answers that perfectly capture your vibe!
Answers to show off your weird flexes:
I’ve been challenging myself to…
1. Learn how to do the perfect pancake flip.
2. Master the art of parallel parking without getting stressed.
3. Teach myself to do a backflip (for no reason).

4. Get my plants to stay alive for longer than a week.
5. Figure out how to ice skate without falling after 5 seconds. I’m really proud of myself for achieving 2 seconds so far.
6. Perfect the art of a proper handshake (weird flex, I know).
7. Become a plant whisperer. I’m getting that watering schedule right once and for all!
8. Learn how to play chess and not get absolutely destroyed every time.
9. Try to learn all the constellations. Wow, look at me, total space nerd!
10. Get better at making up jokes on the spot (working on my comedy skills).
11. Complete a Rubik’s Cube without Googling the patterns.
12. Learn how to juggle, just in case a circus calls. You never know.
13. Learn how to do a cartwheel without falling on my face.
14. Become a pro at Tetris. I’m talking about high scores only.
15. Get good at shuffleboard. I’m literally a grandpa/grandma stuck in a 20-30-40 y/o body.
16. Master how to crack an egg with one hand. What if I told you I could crack one open with my head?
17. Get my dog to do the “shake hands” trick.
18. Learn how to breakdance (yes, you read that right).
19. Become the fastest person to ever roll a burrito.
20. Collect stamps, just like a true grandparent. Collecting is definitely my healthy obsession.
21. Become a pro at knitting just so I can make my own sweaters.
22. Finally learn how to do a proper pull-up without embarrassing myself.
23. Figure out how to whistle with my fingers. I’m getting there, okay?
24. Perfect my karaoke skills. Watch out, Adele, I’m coming for your brand!
25. Practice my dramatic inner monologue. Yep, I definitely need friends.
26. Try to beat my own high score in Pacman.
27. Make the perfect French braid every time. I get nervous every time I try one out.
28. Learn how to fold a paper airplane that actually flies.
29. Make the perfect avocado toast without it turning into mush.
30. Out-sass the autocorrect on my phone (I did not mean “ducking”, thank you).
31. Survive a full week without snoozing my alarm (modern-day hero, honestly).
32. Walk into a room and actually remember why I went in there. I lowkey think I have a secret power for this.
33. Win in rock-paper-scissors 80% of the time. Don’t ask how: it’s a gift.
34. Stack Pringles into tiny towers instead of eating them like a normal human.
35. Start a staring contest with my cat, and win.
36. Catch every green light on my way to work like I’m in an action movie.
37. Remember random trivia no one asked for, like Snorlax’s weight. It’s 1,014 lbs btw!
38. Use chopsticks for chips like the sophisticated snacker I am.
39. Walk in heels without falling flat on my face.
40. Dance my way through chores like I’m headlining Coachella.
41. Perfect my “I didn’t hear you, but I’m pretending I did” nod.
42. Keep my phone screen crack-free for more than one year. We are close to the 8-month mark!
43. Give my Wi-Fi network ridiculously fun names. It is currently “FBI Surveillance Van”.
44. Predict the weather better than any app.
45. Eat spaghetti without getting sauce on my shirt.
46. Untangle headphone wires like it’s an Olympic sport.
47. Guess plot twists in movies before the first clue drops.
Answers to show how you’re adulting:
I’ve been challenging myself to…
1. Upgrade from dorm-room posters to actual framed art.
2. Tie and throw away trash bags without overstuffing them into oblivion.
3. Book my own appointments like a functioning human. Mom, are you proud of me yet?

4. Actually remember to return borrowed items before someone asks.
5. Send thank-you cards, even if it’s via text. I mean, that still counts, right?
6. Keep my car clean for more than three days at a time.
7. Remember to floss before my dentist guilt-trips me. My dream.
8. Write down birthdays in a planner so I don’t rely on Facebook. I’m known for always forgetting important dates.
9. Buy a vacuum that doesn’t look like it’s from 2005 and is on its last legs.
10. Cook dinner without setting off the smoke alarm (finally).
11. Make eye contact with my barista instead of staring at my phone. My social interactions are definitely a work in progress.
12. Separate my “junk drawer” into organized chaos. That’s a perfect Sunday activity if you ask me.
13. Stick to my meal prep plan instead of ordering pizza halfway through the week.
14. Check my car’s tire pressure like I know what I’m doing.
15. Wipe down my counters like a clean freak…once a week, at least.
16. Remember to unplug my hair straightener before leaving the house.
17. Finally understand the difference between baking powder and baking soda.
18. Call customer service without spiraling into existential dread. My therapist would definitely be proud!
19. Get my oil changed before my car starts begging for it.
20. Invest in actual curtains instead of thumbtacked bedsheets.
21. Turn off lights when I leave a room (my parents would be so proud).
22. Figure out what all the buttons on my oven do. I’ve been surviving without this knowledge for a very long time, call this my humble brag!
23. Measure spices instead of just eyeballing them. I’m hoping you can taste the difference.
24. Keep my fridge stocked with real food instead of just condiments.
25. Drink water before coffee to pretend I’m healthy.
26. Know how to sew a button without calling my mom.
27. Set a bedtime and (mostly) stick to it.
28. Wear sunscreen every day like a responsible human. Everybody say thank you, Korean skincare.
29. Create a budget and actually follow it.
30. Clean my car’s windshield instead of just letting the rain do the job.
31. Read reviews before buying something on Amazon.
32. Cook rice without peeking every five seconds. I need to trust myself more.
33. Choose matching socks on purpose, not just by chance. It’s definitely my superpower.
34. Switch out my shower curtain before it gets gross.
35. Take my vitamins every day without forgetting. Health is definitely wealth!
36. Sort my closet so I actually know what’s in there.
37. Spend less time doom-scrolling and more time reading actual books.
38. Remember to defrost the chicken before dinner. I now understand why my mom used to get mad.
39. Go for walks for fun instead of just transportation.
40. Check my bank account balance without anxiety.
41. Actually read the Terms and Conditions before hitting accept.
42. Vacuum under the couch.
43. Open my mail instead of letting it pile up for weeks.
44. Notice my car needs gas before the light comes on.
45. Keep a spare phone charger in my bag for emergencies. Why does my phone die every time I need it the most?
46. Save money for something before I splurge on it. I have no self-control.
47. Learn how to hang things on the wall without using 10 nails.
Mastering the real challenge: showcasing your true self!

The beauty of this prompt is that it’s as unique as you are. The best part? Your answer doesn’t have to scream “Look how cool I am”. Instead, let it showcase your personality, your quirks, and the tiny victories that make life entertaining.
If you’re looking to take your Bumble game to the next level, RizzBio’s got your back.
Whether it’s crafting the perfect response or helping you stand out with personalized bios and engaging prompts, RizzBio makes sure your profile is as fun and unique as the challenges you’re tackling!
Catch you in the Bumble-verse!🐝
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