This Tinder prompt is an absolute favorite, and it is so for a reason: it gives you a lot of space to get creative.
Your answer to this prompt can get you a lot more matches if you do it correctly.
What’s the correct way? You might ask.
Well, RizzBio knows best! And besides the 42 amazing options in this article, you can get more personalized ones, here:

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to RizzBio’s prompt answers for online dating prompts.

Here are your 45 awesome Tinder prompt answers for “My hidden talent is…”
- Hidden.
- Rizzing.
- Gentle choking.
- Repressing anger, stress, and panic. What’s yours?
- Sing offkey with no signs of embarrassment whatsoever.
- Handling ignorant people.
- Keeping the party going for hours.
- Painting, but never managing to sell a painting.
- Waking up in the morning, surviving another day at work.
- Obeying the very system I’m against.
- Getting myself through tough times.
- Giving good advice I never follow.
- Holding my laughter in serious situations.
- Crying for no reason.
- Being oblivious to indirect sexual cues.
- Covering my social anxiety.
- Destroying relationships without my knowledge I’m doing so.
- I’ve got a good positional memory.
- Active listening.
- Hide my pain behind a smile.
- Starting and keeping parties and group dances on the dancefloor.
- Making people disappear from my life.
- Cooking. But no one knows because then I’d have to cook all the time.
- Oversleeping without consequences.
- Deflecting conversations.
- Pretending to like horrible-tasting food.
- Flaring my nostrils.
- Making a fool of myself in public.
- Convincing myself I’m not hungry when cooking needs to be happening.
- Failing at completing daily house chores.
- Making poor decisions.
- Being clueless.
- Screwing up good relationships.
- Ruining a good song by singing it off key.
- Masking my depression.
- Making up good fake scenarios in my head. They get better each time!
- Postponing and procrastinating, but managing to do things on time. Shh…
- Keeping houseplants alive.
- Overlooking little errors that cost me way too much later in life.
- Developing feelings.
- I’m excellent at 5th grade math!
- Being poor in managing stress.
- Stealing hearts via Tinder.
- Regretting decisions I’ve spent days on making.
- Pretending not to be drunk.
Answering this prompt with humor will make your profile shine!
Among the countless shiny Tinder profiles, yours will have the brightest light because it has “My hidden talent is…” answered the right way!
The key is in finding a balance. If you decide to get funny with it, you have to think of something that’s comprehensible for the rest. Not many can understand highly specific jokes.
Don’t have the right answer?
The good news is that RizzBio, does!
Generating personalized online dating profile bios, prompt answers, it even goes as far as generating opening lines.

Remember, if you can’t find the answer for your prompts, RizzBio always has it!
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